Polski Trambesh

Polski Trambesh

The system for separate collection of packaging waste, organized by ECO PARTNERS on the territory of Polski Trambesh Municipality includes green and yellow container sets for collection of packaging waste from households, other than the mixed household waste bins, providing total container volume of 47 600 liters, distributed at 14 addresses in Polski Trambesh. At each address there is one set of containers with combined volume of 3400 liters, which must serve 350 residents of Polski Trambesh.

Schedule for servicing containers for separate collection of packaging waste on the territory of Polski Trambesh municipality

July 2024

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
1 July, 2024
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3 July, 2024
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2 August, 2024
3 August, 2024
4 August, 2024

Addresses of Eco Partners’ yellow and green container sets for separate collection of packaging waste in Polski Trambesh

Addresses of containers

1 ул. “Търговска” – банка “ДСК”
2 ул. “Търговска”/ пл.”Възраждане”
3 ул. “Търговска”/ ЦОП
4 ул. “Раковски” – аптека “Марешки”
5 ул. “Търговска” – срещу Пощата
6 ул. “Отец Пайсии” – до Бърза помощ
7 Булсатком- пътя за с. Раданово
8 ул. “Ал.Стамболийски”/ул.”Черешово топче” – 2 комплекта контейнери
9 СОУ “Цанко Церковски”- ул. “Училищна”  – 2 комплекта контейнери
10 ул.”Л. Каравелов”/ул.”Ал. Стамболийски”
11 ул. “Дунав” – хранителен магазин
12 ул. “Индустриална”, пред  “Олива” АД