By building systems for separate waste collection we want to contribute to the protection of the natural environment, to saving resources and energy in order to improve the urban areas where waste is collected as key hubs for intelligent management of resources in urban areas. We are doing everything possible to do this the best way possible, and we believe that together we are responsible for achieving good results.
The containers for separate waste collection and their contents are the property of Eco Partners. The losses from damage and theft of property belonging to the organization could be enormous and the financial impacts on the operations of the utilizing organizations are reflected directly or indirectly on the systems’ efficiency.
We consider unacceptable any forms of disrespect for and obstruction of the joint efforts of those who are trying to attain the lofty goals that we have set for ourselves together.
The most frequent acts of vandalism targeting the containers for separate waste collection are as follows:
- Setting on fire
- Overturning
- Breaking
- Scratching
- Moving
- Theft of containers or their contents
Each of these action violates Bulgarian law and may qualify as an Administrative violation or as an offense under the Criminal Code such as hooliganism or theft. Any act against the property of someone else is a criminal offense that should be prosecuted as the law requires.
We call on all people who are making efforts to collect waste separately and who have a responsible attitude to the natural and urban environments to join us in the fight against vandalism and theft. If you happen to witness vandalism to the Eco Partners’ containers for separate waste collection, call us immediately on our toll-free number 0800 20 015 or use the feedback link on our website or on our Facebook page. Please send any photos you might have been able to take of the perpetrators or any other photos that may supplement your complaint. Please add contact information to any complaint, if possible.
We would like to avail ourselves of this opportunity to recall the legal obligation (under Paragraph 1 of Article 133 of the WASTE MANAGEMENT ACT) of every individual to dispose of waste separately at places especially designated for that purpose. Violations of this legal provision may be punished with a fine of BGN 300 to BGN 1,000.