The World Clean Up Day campaign owes its beginning to a national illegal landfills clean up in Estonia in 2008. Around 4 % of the Estonian population take part in the initiative then, resulting in removing more than 10 tons of waste for about 5 hours. With the help of hundreds of organizations, the founders succeeded in cleaning up their country and in creating an idea that rapidly inspired other nations to act upon the formula "one day-one country". Not long after that the idea reaches Bulgaria in the face of the campaign "Let's clean up Bulgaria together".
The quoted clean-up actions from 2008 also give rise of the global movement "Let’s Do It World" which turns out to become the biggest worldwide society dedicated to cleaning up the planet, and the World Clean Up Day is first held in 2018. We, Eco Partners, also participated in that launch by organizing clean-ups in all our municipalities. By that moment we have been partnering the "Let's clean up Bulgaria together" campaign.
The World Clean Up Day is held on the third Saturday of September. In 2021 the date is 18th September.
See the site of the global initiative here.