XI Green Forum of “Manager” Magazine organized in partnership with ECO PARTNERS BULGARIA

Europe, Bulgaria and the transition to responsible growth

Date: 24 September, 2020

Location: Platform A6

Start time: 10.30 am

Format: Half-day forum with discussion, conferencing, and presentations

Audience: Representatives of the relevant ministries, mayors of municipalities, leaders of leading technology companies and extractive/extracting/mining enterprises, organizations operating in the field of ecology, separate collection of waste, educational institutions, related sectors, media

Moderator: Nikolay Mihaylov – expert in circular economy and sustainable resource management, part of the team of denkstatt Bulgaria  

Despite the unforeseen shock to the economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Europe’s ambition for a carbon-neutral and circular economy by 2050 remains a key message in the fund for regeneration proposed by the EC, Next Generation EU.

Defined as a turning point of the new decade, Europe’s request for a transition to a green and digital industry sets a new agenda for business development, entrepreneurship and societies.

Whether Bulgaria is ready to participate actively in the European economic transformation and to benefit from it, is a leading topic in the eleventh edition of the Green Forum of “Manager” magazine, organized in partnership with ECO PARTNERS BULGARIA.

Representatives of European and local institutions, experts and leaders of companies and organisations with established good practice in resource management will outline the necessary steps, policies and innovations for a cleaner and more sustainable future.

The event will be held in three topical panels:

Panel I: Green Restart of the European Economy. Opportunities for Bulgaria. Institutional debate

Panel II: Sustainable management of change. The Voice of Business

Panel III: Lessons learned from the crisis. Education and motivation for a clean transition

Participation in the forum is not subject to an entrance fee. Make your mandatory pre-registration on:  https://events.manager.bg